What is soulbonding?
Soulbonding is when a person, often after forming a strong connection to a fictional character or world, can communicate with characters in their mind. They can originate from various sources such as books, movies, original characters, roleplaying, daydreaming, personal stories, and more. Soulbonding can be experienced in many different ways and people have varying beliefs about the origins of these connections.
Some examples:
- Some bonders see it as a psychological phenomenon, like the illusion of independent agency.
- Some bonders see their bonds as beings from other worlds that become attached to them.
- Some bonders develop an emotional connection to a character and one day they start talking back.
- Sometimes after writing about a character they'll come alive in the author's mind.
- After someone develops a strong emotional connection with a character, that character might suddenly appear in someone's mind.
- Someone who daydreams a lot might notice that the characters in their daydreams start developing their own personalities and making their own choices.
- A person might intentionally try connecting with a character by reaching out or inviting them to bond with them.
- Sometimes a character from a dream sticks around after a person has woken up and maintains a sense of connection.